Friday, 7 February 2014

MOG #38: Domenic

My sister was one of the first people I shared this blog with. She was also the first people I shared a lot of my life with. She was also my first friend and the first person to tell me I was wrong; the first person I'd look up to that wasn't my parent and the now she's the first person I call when I need real, sound, sisterly advice. I will look always look up to my sister in the way that you're supposed to value your siblings. My mom says that sometimes I would sneak into her room just to watch her sleep because I thought she was just the best thing. Rough patches, screaming matches, birthdays and life lessons later- we started getting closer when I starting becoming an adult. She is now my confidant. Lisa. The person who will never, ever judge or think less of me for making mistakes. She is a badass. She is brave. She is bold. She is beautiful is so many ways. 
Today is a special day for her- her pride and joy turns two!!! Can you believe it?! There's a lot of love in the universe today all because one amazing woman gave one amazing little human a life, and continues to build a vibrant, fruitful and happy one for such a bundle of pure joy. I am so lucky to have my sister as my sister. An unbreakable bond, an unprecedented kind of forever, a part of me I could never be without. 
Happy second birthday Dom! I can't wait for you to read these words and see just how loved and life changing you are! 

It took one day... And my life was completely different. 

Well actually it was a sequence of events that changed everything, but lets just for arguments sake make it's dramatic! Rewind to almost 3 years ago May... 

I was doing what I do best, partying, being hilarious, causing ruckus, all the while doing some pretty bad ass hair. Not a real care in the world till one day I looked at the calendar,and realized.. Oh god I'm late. Like not as in late for some meeting, or late on a bill. Like the most "LATE" a girl could ever be! Well here I was faced with this news. I almost barfed. Me??? I was going to be a mother?!?! Holy shit. 
(Cue some after school movie music)

 My mind raced beyond fast. I had no clue what I was going to do. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. February 8th 2012, 12:07am 7lbs 7 oz of amazing came into my life. Domenic. Truly a little miracle. There he was, all ten fingers ten toes, a tiny body of beautiful perfection in a totally imperfect world. 

This little boy changed the world for not only myself and his dad, but brought myself my brother and my sister closer than ever. My parents suddenly became the smartest most creative, caring people I always knew but never really knew existed.  Compassion, respect, integrity, honesty, kindness, clarity, peace, and love (the most important) has become a staple in my families life. 

I appreciate my parents phone calls no matter how many times in one day, I love that my brother brings him a dinky car EVERY single time he sees him,  I love how my sister shows me and domenic how books will create such a smart vivid mind. I love how I get to watch the time and effort my parents put into myself and my siblings. I love that my family is more whole now than ever before.

 I love that my most favorite person in the world, my Poppa, shows himself around my son and in pictures. It truly makes me believe in heaven, and I know I will see that wonderful man again one day. 

If I could sum it up and tell my son anything, it would be this: Domenic you are the best thing I've ever done in my life, by far. You showed me what true love is. I'm blessed to be your mom and look forward to every new day and adventure with you. You changed the world in my eyes. 

Love you more everyday, always mine, forever yours.
Mommy xoxo

For all this I'm grateful, and so proud of my sister for starting this movement!

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