I just Aliza a few weeks ago and as soon as I did I thought, "damn, this girl has presence." Then, she did a presentation in one of our classes and completely opened up to a room full of practical strangers about her life and those who have shaped it. What struck me most about this girl was how genuine she was when she spoke; not for pity, showmanship or for a good mark, but just out of the goodness of her heart. I'm glad to know her, and I'm sure you will be too..
There are few people in this world, that make an impact and change people for the better...my cousin Deanna was one of those people.
On January 3rd 2010, my family was given news that would change our lives in many ways. My cousin Deanna (20 yrs) was diagnosed with acute Leukemia, and sadly lost her battle November 12, 2010. During her sickness, Deanna discovered a foundation called The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which hosts an event called “Light The Night” in several major cities across Ontario. She created a team called “Dee for Dynamite” and we have been walking in her honour over the last four years. This walk helps our family commemorate the amazing life Deanna lived and the amazing things she accomplished in her life. We walk to support those families who are battling against this disease, for those we have lost, and for those who have survived. Over the past four years our team has raised over $220, 000!!! We cannot even begin to describe how proud and blessed and grateful we are to have so many amazing people helping in our fight against blood cancer.
I speak for everyone who knew Deanna when I say, she was the strongest, most caring, supportive and beautiful person you have ever met. Even when she was suffering, she always kept a smile on her face and thus our team motto is “always with a smile”. Although Dee's Leukemia diagnosis was the most devastating news of our lives, we are being honest in saying the best thing that came from it is the formation of this remarkable team. Each member of this team has helped to keep Dee alive and that is the greatest wish our family has ever had. Thank you all for taking the time and putting in the effort to fight against cancer for not only Dee but for everyone who has been effected by blood cancer. If you would like to contribute to our team, I have provided the link below. All donations are much appreciated! Deanna was and will always be my cousin, best friend, role model, hero and inspiration in everything I do! I love and miss you like crazy!!!!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.They must be felt with the heart."