Tuesday, 14 January 2014

MOG #17: Love in letters

My heart is very happy that this person wrote for you all today; she's one of the most beautiful souls I've been lucky enough to find. Katie and I met in second year and bonded one day in Welsh hall over the fact that everything (school, roommates, moods, money) was awful but thank goodness that we had such "incredible" boyfriends who were "the only thing good in our lives" at the time. Oh how wrong we were.  While our relationships with these less than mediocre suitors ended about a month after, our friendship has only grown. From acquaintances, to best friends, to roommates and next year we become teacher candidates together, the laughs don't stop, the life chats never end, and the bond keeps growing. She's strong, she's aggressive, she's smart, she's the definition of sophisticated sass. I'm just one of her many fans. Adored by all, loved by many and she gives it right back. A truly selfless individual with a huge heart. I also happen to be a fan of her boyfriend too (Hi, Trav!!!!) and am really glad that her first post stems from the kindness in his heart too. Lots of heart to heart talk in this intro today; which is pretty much like a regular day in our humble abode.

Sometimes you have just one of those days, or weeks, or months, heck maybe even years. ‘m referencing towards the crap that life sometimes throws at you unexpectedly. I was having one of "those" weeks last week. In a matter of days I was told to pack my bags in September for a new city, sliced my thumb deep enough to warrant stitches and got stuck in a class with an individual that gives me unnecessary anxiety. Needless to say, life definitely threw some curveballs my way. But the beautiful thing that came out of all this was the support I received from a pretty special person.

Travis is my boyfriend of going on 2 years. As individuals, we don't particularly handle stress well and we certainly know how to test each others limits when the two of us are stressed together. While I was going through the many different emotions due to various events Travis was one step ahead in lightening the situation. I sliced my thumb and he called me Thumbelina; not only adorable but hilariously appropriate and being told that I'm loved no matter where I go is possibly the most comforting feeling. This kid didn't stop there. When he visited this weekend he showed up with a surprise. A Tim's card for coffee on my busy days and a card that reads.

This has been a very tough week! A lot of unexpected things have happened and its hard coming back to school with anything like this! BUT you have been amazing throughout the whole ordeal! You have really proven how tough you are and with what the world can throw at you. You know exactly how to search through a situation and find something to make the best out of it. I have no doubt you will find that special thing wherever you are and with however many stitches you have at the time. We do not know what will give you enjoyment, but what I do know is I will be there with you to support you every step of the way.
Those words didn't quite hit me until I read them again after he left. The support shown in that note made me grateful that I have not only a kickass boyfriend but so many supportive people in my life. Its the crap that life throws at you that reminded me of who will be there through thick and thin. Needless to say , I've been blessed with a pretty solid partner in crime for those good and bad days, and I am truly grateful for that.

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