Wednesday, 26 February 2014

MOG #48: Dance first, think later

I have always wished I could dance. I know dancing is one of those natural human qualities, like running or learning or even how to make an apology, where it takes time, effort and patience, but for me I just focused on other things (like running and learning and perfecting the art of persuasive rhetoric) instead of moving my body to measured time. But it truly is an art, a lovely: physically telling stories through expression, limbs, rhythm- it even sounds lovely. So many of my favourite people are dancers and I have to say I admire that hobby in those I come in contact with, like my best friend's roommate Kelsey. The two of them have shared a lot this year, one instance in particular was when Alex took photos for Kelsey's company showcase. Alex and Kelsey; two beautiful girls- dance and photography, two well crafted passions, and words tying everything close, all coming together to create something really, really beautiful. 
"Mary - I decided to take you up on the MOG. But lately I am grateful for something way more special than a $550 bursary. I have a team of dancers beside me that is greater than even the best-paid sports team." Understatement of the century: these past few months have been challenging. In true Kelsey Allen form, I bit off more than I could chew this semester and have found myself singlehandedly directing a dance company, managing a small dance association, and spearheading the amalgamation of three companies. Although the use of the word “singlehandedly” doesn’t account for the large group of beautiful people who have been integral to my survival and success in the midst of all that chaos. My titles range from “director” to “manager” to “dictator” to “second mom” on any given day. I am responsible for the growth, success, health, and well-being of 34 young dancers. But I rarely let them know how reciprocal our relationship truly is. Being a leader, society expects you to have all the answers. You’re expected to stand on your own two feet, never falter, and make all the right decisions. I’ve known from the beginning that I couldn’t be that person. I have come to understand leadership as a constant process of growth and learning. And, fortunately for me, I have a team who lets me grow and learn every day. When I need to take a personal day, they shower me with cute text messages and snapchats – and when I return, they are waiting with open arms to make sure I am okay. When we are left two dancers short two weeks before competition, they ask “What can we do?” instead of “What are you going to do?” And when I screw up, they just love me even harder. I think it’s a love like this that everyone should aim for. It is this love that motivates me every day. It is their love that sits silently with me through even the loneliest of times. It is their love that informs every decision I make. These kids (because that’s really how I see them – as my kids) truly are my heart and soul. So, my MOG goes out to McMaster Dance Company. I love you all.

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