Thursday, 8 May 2014

MOG #66: All the things

Tonight I am grateful that I started to think about all the things I am grateful for.

Sometimes you can feel really down, for no apparent reason, but laying in the dark, not talking to anyone, scrolling through a virtual reality and having no desire to move can make you feel that way. Justifiability so.

But those moments find their inevitable end and all of the sudden I am at least sitting up, logging on, and saying hi to a few someones that have the words you don't have. Before you know it, the light's on, the songs are playing and it's not so bad anymore.

And it's all because instead of thinking "Why am I unhappy?" I began to think despite "that", despite "this", despite everything, "What am I grateful for?"

If I've learned anything in these past four months, I know it is that change in thought that changes everything.

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