Tuesday, 17 June 2014

MOG #75: Bottled kindness

Jackie found appreciation in a small act of kindness. Have you felt the same recently? 

It’s been a while my friends, but this deserved a write up. It may be simple and silly, but its great to have a #mog moment on a day like today …
Tonight while taking the train into Toronto, a woman across from me complimented me on my water bottle. She had explained that she was looking for the same type for a while but couldn’t find one. I smiled largely, and explained that a friend of mine got it for me recently after knowing that I wanted one and couldn’t locate it either!
It was that moment that I was reminded of how great of an individual this person is, and how something silly as a water bottle has brighten my otherwise hectic week. Not only did I realize this person specifically thought of me while buying the water bottle, but also did it out of the goodness of their heart.
I am so happy to have someone like this who challenges me to think of the good parts of each and every day, and is constantly a part of my moments of gratitude.

So thank you for my water bottle my fantastic friend; you are truly the best! 

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