Sunday, 30 March 2014

MOG #61: For the youngings

Fourth year brings about a wave of nostalgia- there isn't a day where I don't look back on these past few years and think of how far I/we've come. So, it only makes sense to reminisceTonight I went through my Facebook and found a note that I had way back before I graduated high school. I wrote it for some of my favourite people- all of whom happened to be younger than me because I wanted them to know that I thought they were cool.

As I read this letter a few things happened, a) I laughed at how much like myself I sounded like, clearly I haven't changed much, b) I remembered who I was writing to- both to these kids, but also for myself. This note was deliberate. I wanted to remember how I felt in that moment and to time stamp my thoughts was one way to do that, c) I took my own advice to heart, which was exactly what I needed tonight and d) this is everything I would want to say to all my friends graduating this year. Besides, of course, congrats guys- you did it (almost!!!) 

So here, while I feel I am tiptoeing around narcissism, I am grateful for reflection. I am grateful that I told these kids these words because I'm still close with several of them and they're not kids anymore, but my peers, and still some of my favourite people. I am grateful for my grade 12 self. I am grateful that I said thank you to these people- for if nothing else, nothing was left unsaid. 

"Hey team, 

I just wanted to take a second to have a little chat with you. With Grad looming, everything has been coming full circle and I feel like if I don't dispense this new found wisdom now, I'll loose it. So here we go. 

You've been tagged in this note for several reasons. In some way, shape or form you have had a direct impact on my life. A combination of your personality traits and actions have left me in awe. Working with younger students such as yourselves has been so rewarding; and every day I am more and more sure of the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life working with youth. I just wanted to give a general statement of what I've learned throughout high school. I'll probably stop you in the hallways and give you a huge, tear filled rant on how awesome you are at some point, but for now this will suffice. 

You know how some people say "I hope you never loose sight of your dreams?"; I don't wish that for you. I wish you a life- a real, rich and wonderful life. (Not that I'm never going to see you all again- I'm just thinking long term here). Anyway, I hope you understand that sometimes dreams change. Life happens, and sometimes you loose your way. That's okay. You're allowed to make your own mistakes. Realizing those mistakes and moving forward is one of the greatest joys life can give. Granted, it may seem like things just absolutely suck, but you'll figure it out. Ultimately, I wish you a life with purpose, success and love. You all deserve this. 

Keep it positive. It's a hell of a lot easier. Just go for what will bring your happiness. And please, never let anyone stand in the way of your happiness. Whether this be in a relationship, between friends, peers or just human beings in general. Don't let other people control you. Get to know yourself; figure out what you like and dislike. In the end, the only one you can fully rely on is you. 

And on this note, you don't have to be perfect. So much of my high school I did this, and it really wasn't worth it. Perfect doesn't get the laughs; perfect doesn't appreciate the messy, perfect won't hold your hand when you anything but perfect. Set high standards for yourself and those around you, but never hold either to this abstract ideal of perfection. That'll set you up for a life of anger. 

Movin on! A common phrase I've heard throughout these past for years always finds its way into big talks like this. "People suck". It makes me laugh that humanity can be so... silly I guess is the word. When it comes to dealing with those around you that are not animals or UFOs, all I have to say is this quote I found.. "Appreciate your parents. Laugh with your friends. Acknowledge strangers. Play with little ones. Respect elders. Be yourself". That'll get you through a lot. 

Remember that there will be people who are better or worse than or equal to you in some ways, but they'll never be YOU. Stay grounded. Remember you're one person who deserves the world, but so does everyone else. 

Befriend staff members at cc- not only will you score sweet perks, but the life lessons you'll get from them are unreal. Prime example- Mrs. G--in guidance; most ballin' lady I know. So chill, yet so motivational. Whenever I feel "off",  I usually go to talk to her. 

Respect and be polite everyone you meet. You never know who you're talking to. But at the same time, don't be afraid to be a little obnoxious at times :P Don't stand for bullshit. Sorry for the language; but you're worth more than that. Fight for what you believe in, but again, keep it respectful. Choose your battles- is something really worth loosing your cool over? Give yourself value, set high standards- that way you're "second best" will end up being really good by society standards. And don't allow yourself to be involved with those who can't meet said standards. I'm not saying be a pompous creep and think you're better than them; I'm just saying don't waste your time. You've got so much more to do in this world than worry about silly adolescent trials. Don't stop. Remember who you are. 

Speaking of yourself, don’t forget about your body. Love your body. Yes, it will change; maybe for the better or maybe for the worst, but it’s yours. Own it. Cherish it. Use it. Most of all, take care of your heart. If someone comes along who is worth your time, you'll know.

Lastly, take time. That sounds weird, but in my opinion, time is the greatest mystery of all. I guess I'm trying to say something along the lines of take it all in. Reflect, rejoice, celebrate, chill, sleep, run, do what makes you, you. “Everything will be okay in the end and if it’s not okay then it’s not the end.” 

This advice all sounds pretty simple and even point blank to me (Duhhhh, Mary); but in all honesty, simplicity is the way to go. 
I hope you search and question; grow and change, accept and defy, listen and speak, love and be loved. I have so much respect for each and every one of you. I see so much potential in each and every one of you. I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you. If you ever feel useless, incompetent, lame or just plain down; please remember that at least one person in this place thinks so highly of you. You give me hope not only is this school in good hands, but the world is too. 
Thank you for inspiring me. I am a better girl for knowing you all."

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