Month three, done! Goodness gracious. Springing forward meant lots of reflection, lots of nostalgia and lots of looking ahead. March is always a tough month, but clearly, we made it through, and you guys had some lovely things to say.Here's a list of this past month's posts and two words that sum up each story (you can click the links to go right to them!)
MOG#52: Lost and Found : love yourself
MOG #53: Inhale love, exhale fear : breathe easy
MOG #54: Average this : work hard
MOG #55: Give her time : always remember
MOG #56: All the ways, always : family first
MOG #57: Constant : thirteen years
MOG #58: Wrist-ful thinking : carried along
MOG# 59: Brighter Days : run fast
MOG #60: Can't wait : talk soon
MOG #61: For the Youngings : stay gold
One thing I have noticed in a decline in post submissions. Understandably so, it is a very stressful and tulmutous time of year, but I wish that wasn't the case. I've had a few conversations with friends that go something like this,
Me: you should write an mog!
Them: Oh I want to/I have so many ideas/I have a couple in mind/I really should/I know right.. but I don't have time.
To which, my response is always; you don't have time, you have to make time. Life is real busy, I get that- heck, this post is going up four days into a new month because I've felt busy with school. But this is a further explanation of why you should make the time to tell your story,
1) Writing something other than an assignment, a transition report, an essay or a presentation is different from writing an MOG. Writing an MOG is not necessarily hard work, it's just different work. It can be cathartic, it can be therapeutic, it can be enjoyable. It can be just nice to write something different, that comes from a different place and a reflection you, in that moment, with that mindset. It's a way to commemorate and celebrate. Are you paying attention yet?
2) Writing something different gets you writing; it's a warm up. It's the appetizer before the meal, the lap before the sprint, or the introduction before the thesis. Anyone can write- it's just words. And for those who can't write, they can produce or create or discuss. It's all relative.
3) If nothing else, you can go to bed saying that you wrote something that others will read. I can't tell you how many people have told me that they are following this blog and I see that in the readership- pageviews are going up (just under 9000!!!). People are readings these stories- your stories- and they are absorbing them. It's both a chain reaction and a web of connectedness.
Life is busy, but gratitude is always persevering- it just takes time to recognize it. And when you do, life just gets easier, better and more meaningful. Trust me... or better yet, try it.
Sending you all good vibes to make the most out of April, and hope to hear from you soon.

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